Sorority Stereotypes and Myths


There are many myths and stereotypes surrounding sororities and fraternities. These myths come from movies and media exaggeration. In movies like Animal House, Legally Blonde, and Van Wilder they make greeks out to be snobby, promiscuous, partiers. Greek life is so much more than that, but that is what many people beleive sororities to be like because thats all they see on tv and movies.They fail to shine the light on what good they do for the community and campus. These stereotypes are not completely wrong, because some members of sororities or fraternities could be like that, but so could a person who is not in greek life.

Some myths are:

Sorority girls are all the same

All sorority girls do is party

Its buying your friends

Sororities will haze you

I can personally say every single one of these myths are wrong. In every sorority girls are different, there are groups of different types of girls in every sorority, everyone has a place. Obviously sorority girls do more than party, no further arguement needed, You are not buying your friends, you are just paying a semester bill to pay for things like t shirts and mixers, and sororities don not haze! There is even a week in the fall called hazing prevention week.



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